Daily time with Jesus in the midst of CA “Stay at Home” orders

Who knew that a tiny virus could turn our whole world, and normal life as we knew it, upside down?  God did.

Even in, and maybe especially in, these times i’m hoping we can center in Jesus, our only true peace, through this “storm” as we move forward with Him.

With that in mind, since CA “Stay at Home” orders, i’ve been aiming to facilitate some time with Jesus through His word around 6:20am every morning on my fb live with the videos available on my page after that (by God’s grace i can keep waking up ). If social media isn’t really helpful to you right now (totally understand that ) i’m aiming to post these videos to youtube by 7am daily here: http://tiny.cc/davidkitaniyoutube

And if that’s too early you can also catch my lead Pastor Chris live at noon where he facilitates time with Jesus through prayer on the church page as well as the Epicentre WLA youtube page!


Here is the video of the word from today (making my way through the book of John, the gospel that really focuses in on who Jesus is).  Our testimony, or what we have witnessed, of God matters so much not only to us but others in encouraging our trust of Jesus, the true light, in dark times:


We hope these spaces will be helpful to you as we press in to Jesus together to go deeper and further than we thought possible WITH Him!

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